
A Perfect Storm of Inspiration

Sometimes influences and chances conspire so that two people are creating the same thing at the same time, say the Wright Brothers and Richard Pearse all getting off the ground within a short space of time but on other sides of the world. It can be that there was a unifying influence or they all just thought of the same thing at the...

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Tarte Tartin

I hunted through 5 recipe books before finally finding the right recipe, all because I saw the dish and thought it would be great for making tarte tartin. For a while it looked like the apple was just not going to caramelise and that someone might eat all the pastry dough but we got there in the end.Waiting, waitingAll finished, with some very...

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Keeping Warm With a Smile

The southerlies have set in. Sometimes keeping warm means the tracksuit pants you forgot at the bottom of the drawer and a big blanket, other times keeping warm is an excuse to dress up. Over the weekend, while the sun was out, I was fortunate enough to stumble across the vintage car club waiting to take part in the Arbour Day parade. These...

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Circus Pinwheels

Sometimes it feels like I haven’t completed anything for myself in a while. When this circus fabric arrived on my doorstep from the Cat Taylor's destash I wanted to make something with it IMMEDIATELY. I had planned to make the top in an evening. I had to throw a Saturday morning in there too. I wasn't complaining as the weather was perfect for...

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