
Cherry Blossom Picnic

Today we had a picnic at the Japanese Memorial Gardens. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom but all little e was interested in was finding the chickens. It may seem strange that there is a Japanese Memorial in rural New Zealand. It turns out that this area has a checkered past. The garden is stunning at the moment, in a very peaceful...

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Ready to Plant

The garden beds are ready to go, so I am sitting with my feet up and trying to sort out what to plant. Any ideas?Last summer I was given a care package from a keen gardener. She had put in some of the tastiest tomatoes I've had in long time. I am on the look out for some Black Russian seedlings to get...

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Getting Over It and Getting It Finished

It's been a slow week at Casa Seven Stitches. Little e is getting over tonsillitis and my dearest and I are falling in her wake with various colds. Though, I have been able to get some binding done and a quilt finished during one of her really long sleeps.I think little kids should be issued flags. Ones that go up in the morning...

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Strawberry Swap and a Random Act of Kindness

My Strawberry swap from Karen arrived safe and well. The box was filled with strawberry plates, buttons, recipe, a fabric bag and this wonderful table center. I think I will put that aside for Christmas. There was more in the box, but little e has whisked away the knitted strawberry and I haven't the heart to wake her while searching her room. While...

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Friday Thrifting

It has almost become a Friday ritual, packing up little e in the afternoon and carting her off to all the thrift stores, making my way North to pick up my husband from work. If I'm really organised I can take in 2 Salvation Army stores before their 4:30 close. I usually get waylaid in the first and have to pry little e...

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My First Knits - Why I Might Have a Short Knitting Attention Span

As Gabes has so thoughtfully shared her first knits, I thought I should share mine. My first knits for my Barbie. My Gran patiently talked me through them. There was a book at our local library that I might as well have had on permanent loan from ages 8 to 11. I would pore over it for hours each time I got it...

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Blogging Inertia

I have been suffering blogging inertia. I had one really frustrating night when Blogger refused to accept my post. It appears that it had issues with pasting things from Open Office. Is this giving anyone else grief? My dearest pointed out that I was over an hour each night on the computer. I thought he was exaggerating until I timed myself. I have...

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Christmas Pomanders - A Brief Tutorial

I have been thinking about getting ready for Christmas. These are quick to make, but would need to be made soon if they are to be dried for Christmas.You will need1 small orange (with minimal skin imperfections)1 metal skewer1/2 cup - 1 cup of whole cloves (best to get from a spice or bulk store as this will take about 3 small 40g...

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The Pencil Roll Post - Not How I Planned It

I was in awe of the Pencil Rolls I've seen coming from the Pink Chalk design. I cut out the pieces to make one a few months ago and finally finished it on Friday. Then I thought about taking a photo. Little e spotted it first and while this isn't how I planned it, I will let the pictures do the talking. ...

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