
Getting Carried Away & Reminders

I have been indulging in string piecing again. This time it was for Vintage Fern's block as part of the Stash busting bee. The aim was to make enough string fabric for a disappearing 9-patch block. As I got a little carried away, the remainder was framed up for a second block.Some reminders also -Louise of 20 Cent Mixture is hosting the NZ...

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The Not So Bad, Bad Day

I have a habit of planning to do far more in a day than I possibly could. Some days start out in an impossible rush and fizzle into a reality by morning tea time. Thursday, two weeks ago, was one of those days, but it was not so bad.I was planning to drop E off at crèche, drive up to the next town...

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I Love Ticking

I have a weakness for ticking. I love the way that a simple design can evoke such a feeling of nostalgia. Add some rick rack and I am completely over the moon. Now, both my daughters have ticking curtains.There was rush to get them finished for the spare room, allowing E some time in her new room before the arrival of her sister....

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Wonderbundle Giveaway

Has it really been over a month since my last post?Recently, I have been taking delight in small moments of peace. When E is out and Miss H is asleep, I get a few moments to myself. I used to rush around madly and trying to get everything done but now I just stop. The jug is boiled, coffee brewed, computer turned off...

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