
Graffiti Knitting is Go

New and Strange flowers in Stella Bull ParkIf you are any where near Greytown come and see our knitting. There is a whole Graffiti Knitting Trail. We are dashing around with various knitting resuscitation packs for rain bedraggled woollens. I have some reserve bees to join the buzz tomorrow and I even have some quilts in the garden tour.Thank-You to everyone who has...

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Putting Ideas Into Use

I have a pile of craft books, a veritable collection. So many of them I pour over and think that one day.. Today just might be that day, or maybe that month. These beautiful bloomers are taken from Emma Hardy's “Making Children’s Clothes”. I managed to finish then a few days ago. Rebekah has challenged us to finally tackle at least one of...

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Making the Most of 2010

I plan to make the most of this year. As long as it is January, it is not too late to make a New Year’s Resolution. I have been thinking about this one for a while and I believe it will work. Some resolutions fall by the wayside, daunting tasks that don’t last the week and I won’t let that happen this time....

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Making Me Giggle

I just had to take a photo. Maybe there are some elves waiting inside to sell their holiday home.I'm sure the farmer thought I was nuts driving past, doing a U-turn and coming back to look at his pop-top caravan. Sometimes the simplest things make me giggle. ...

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2009 - Year in Review

Looking back on 2009 I can see that it has been a busy time. At first I couldn’t see much crafting being done. I have been getting up to bigger things than that.This year we welcomed the arrival of Miss H. She is truly adored and adorable. It has been a joy watching her, and her sister, grow in their awareness of each...

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Grafitti Birds Too

The Graffiti Knitting is coming along nicely. We even have a pattern for the birds too. My family have taken it for a test drive. Thanks to my mum and sister, we have a takahe and pukeko. You can find the crochet pattern here (many thanks to Abigail who pointed me in the right direction) I cannot crochet, so I am contemplating making...

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The Twelfth Night - Taking Down the Tree

The Christmas Tree came down today in celebration of the twelfth day. I played the Christmas albums one last time before they too went away. Sometimes it is just as nice to celebrate the passing of Christmas, as it is the arrival of Christmas. I think we should do it more often.We’ve had a lovely Christmas with family at both ends of the...

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Graffiti Knitting Helpers Needed

I have been putting my mind to ideas for a bit of graffiti knitting. I am looking to populate a tree with birds and bees and I will need some helpers. If you can put together a small bird of bee by January 22, drop me a line and I will email you my address. To get the creative juices going, there is...

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