
Making Me Smile - Sunday Dinner

Right now I'm loving Sunday Dinners - the sort that require no planning just a bit of what ever is in the fridge and of course toast. When I asked Little E what she wanted for dinner, she leant in close and whispered in my ear "dippy eggs" so that's what we had* - soft boiled eggs with toast and wedges. Growing up,...

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Kntting - before, during and re-knitting

Perhaps, I should learn to walk before trying to run with needles. In hindsight combining both my first attempt to read a cable pattern and using circular needles was not the wisest idea. I was a little disappointed when the first glove didn't fit, but when the second was perfectly snug, I could see something was up. ...

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The Kitchen Swap

A lovely parcel arrived on my doorstep this week. Stella sent a parcel of kitchen goodies as part of the vintage kitchen swap. On Monday, little E ran off with her egg cup before I could make lunch and filled it with flowers. Today, Miss H joined in too. The egg cups are a sweet folk art painted pair in the cheeriest red...

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In Anticipation of Cousins

In a few weeks time, I get to be an auntie and my girls get to be cousins. Over the last week we have been sorting through the baby bedding and putting a care package together for my sister in law*. Of course, the package had to be topped with a new quilt for the baby. The girls are also pretty excited about...

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It is Snowing

For the second time this winter, it is snowing. This is close to miraculous. My children are keen on reminding me it's a miracle every half hour. They are checking the snow regularly and every time exclaiming anew "It's snowing!" as if I didn't hear them the last time. It's akin to a happy form of dementia. Grandma returned from her holiday to...

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Making Me Smile - Fairy Circles on the Lawn

I'm loving the dizzy giddiness of clothes-lines on a sunny morning. Watching my kids spin faster and faster and making little fairy circles on our lawn is so much fun. It makes me just want to join in before one of them goes spinning off in a different direction. ...

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Feeling Lyrical

I'm one of those people who listens out for the lyrics.Much of the 80's was spent rewinding and replaying songs I had taped off the radio in order to scribble down and unfathom their meanings. Granted, Tiffany didn't have much of gravity to say, but I helped when we came to sing along in the car.Sometimes there were lyrics that would just pop...


Sunday Afternoon Digging

yWe've spent our Sunday afternoon digging. Spring is a long time away, but in the hopes of being prepared we are getting the garden beds ready.There were little hands and little helpers, all of which needed essential marshmallow and fizzy juice type fuels to keep going*. You can see the cast aside spade in the background.The beds were in a sorry state. When...

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