
Festive Finel

The Finel teapot is growing on me.  It followed me home one day when I was really searching for a retro coffee percolator (pehtoori).  I initially thought I would swap this little soul it in a heart beat, if a blue one ever came along.  Now it is just so jolly cheerful on the kitchen windowsill, sitting and keeping the cornishware company, that...

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Secret Family Recipes

Our family has recipes that are held close to hearts and saved for just special occasions.  Christmas is one of those times. They are treated with such reverence, that it can be surprising to find out that secret family recipes can sometimes turn out to be not so secret, after all. There are the beautifully chewy, almost butter-scotch meringues. Malt vinegar and a...

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Collecting Collectors Cabinets

I can't believe I hesitated when I saw this collector's cabinet.  The front panel slides up to allow you to place your favorite taxidermied stoat or other such treasures.  Today, I'm going for Christmas trees.  The panel even slides shut when it isn't being used to hang crochet garlands. I would contemplate collecting these cabinets, just for the irony of collecting collector's cabinets....

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Pop-Up Christmas Shop

We love pop-up shops in our house.  Often there will be a book store, complete with scanners in the middle of the lounge.  Often, they will sell ice-creams and other treats from the car window.  While they are only pretend, I'm not sure whether to embark on the "stranger danger" or "drugs are bad, ok?" speech.  The Christmas shop above is the result...

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Paper Angels

We have been making paper angels for the tree.  They are incredibly simple.  In the interests of angels for all, here is the tutorial. To make your own Paper Angel you are going to need: Colored craft paper for gown, wings and face. PVA glue Glitter Sellotape Double sided tape Wool Pens, glitter and stickers for decorating Trace and cut  a circle from...

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Decorating with Powertools - E's table centre

Before you get worried, this is not that picture. E went pine cone collecting with her Dad.  After a few lessons in swinging a hammer from Granddad, they were off, separating cones and branches, filling the bag.  It wasn't until afterwards that she remembered the candle holder she had seen in a shop.  It was a pinecone hollowed out to hold a tea...

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New dress and a curious sheep

There were suspicious noises and curious noises when we tried to get some photos of my new dress.  The friendly sheep were sneaking up on me.  They are not even my sheep. The empty section next door is hos to a range of animals that come and go as the neighbors try to keep the grass down.  The sheep are usually content to...

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Beach Walk

 While the sun was shining, we bundled the kids into the car and headed to the beach to see Grandma and Granddad.  With buckets in hand we were off on a beach walk.  Sticks were collected for magic wands and growing gardens.  We saw tiny washed up jelly fish.  When armed with a camera, E takes a little more time to see what...

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Happenstance Cushion

I was so taken with the colours I received in a swap a few months ago, that I set myself a challenge - to use them all, all together, in one item.  The end result, a very large cushion cover, where the colours were governed by happenstance alone. I started with 130 coloured triangles and a plan to try colour wash.  In the...

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Abraham, Roses and Me

I am totally enamored with a two year old called Abraham.  He's a rose.  My husband gave me this rose for my birthday last year.  It's called Abraham Darby and finally has enough flowers for me to cut swathes and bring them inside.  As I get to grips with gardening, I am discovering why standard roses are desirable - easy to weed around. ...

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Maudella Patterns

I was fortunate enough to find these Maudella patterns in the op shop recently.  It was an introduction to the beauty of both Maudella and non printed patterns.  I had never heard of this brand but was delighted to hear about the cottage industry beginnings of this pattern  on the BBC website.  Who would have thought that a Yorkshire woman toiling in her...

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Cobblestones - A little history down the road

 We are fortunate enough to live close to Cobblestones, the local settlers museum.  Every Monday night, I pack up my quilting and meet up with friends to sew there.  Occaisionally, as a family, we pack a picnic, take an walk and have an afternoon there.  Then on really special occasions, they have an activities day. My kids run straight for the hospital.  This...

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Travelling Stash Box

     The traveling stash box arrived on my door step last weekend.  I hastily added some treasures, removed some treasure and sent it on it's way.  It is currently making it's way a round a group of New Zealand based crafters.  I've added my collection of World Sweet World magazines, some Heather Bailey fabrics and peg doll blanks.  A big thank you...

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We Make Dolls Too!!

I am loving "We Make Dolls" by Jenny Doh.  Now, I am not one to post review without trying a pattern or two.  As case would have it, two daughters, means two dolls.  There were sketches left lying around the house, with explicit instruction about colours and accessories. This book profiles 10 ladies who make dolls - be they softies, jointeed bears or...

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