
Two Capes For Two Girls

I had plans to make beautiful dresses for my little ones to wear to their uncle's wedding. Instead, my dearest took them shopping and let them choose. I'm happy to settle with just making some capes to go over the top. I'm remembering how tricky it can be to get a collar to sit right and surprised the fabric had a whole lot...

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Supprise Peas

The most successful thing in my vegetable garden this summer was the peas, that grew when I spread pea straw around the strawberry plants. The kids will grab a bowl and help themselves. They tell me the peas are for dinner, but very few of them make it all the way to the kitchen.As you can see the pumpkins are making their slow...

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Small Acts of Procrastination

There have been a few detours on the path to completing the wedding quilt. While I can proudly announce that all the blocks are finished for the front, the chocolate afghans were good too.I can't believe that it takes so many walnuts to get the perfect halves for the top of each glistening bickie. With nutcracker in hand it finally hit on the...

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