
Adventure 5 - Blanket Forts

Sometimes the tools for adventure are right in front of your nose, or in this case at the end of your bed.  Today's adventure takes as many chairs and blanket as you can find.  We have had a few rainy days this first week of school holidays.  Sometimes you just need to surrender to the chaos and give up the lounge.  In this...

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Adventure 4 - Plant Poppies

To remember Anzac Day, today's adventure was planting poppies.  Anzac Day conveniently falls at just the right time to get poppies ready for the distant spring.  A punnet of red, spotted lady bird poppies and blousey shirley poppies are now stretching their toes in our front garden.  E helped digging, watering.  We picked up some purple and black poppy seeds from the lovely...

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Little Adventure 3 - Fizzy Sherbert

Today's adventure started with some decorating.  We stamped and typed little paper bags.  H typed beautiful lines of gibberish and E went for terms of endearment.  Once the bags were ready it was time for the mixing. There was sifting,  a little tasting,  puzzled little taste testers,  and curious new experiences. ...

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Little Adventure 2 - Rubber Band Motors

Today's adventure follows on from yesterday's DIY knitting dolls.  We were showing Granddad the knitting dolls and wooden reels.  Before I could rescue the vegetable knife*, Granddad and E were setting to making a rubber band motor. To make you own you will need: A wooden cotton reel something sharp - may I recommend a craft knife? matches carpet tacks & hammer a...

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Little Adventures - Knitting Dolls and Little Hands

Little adventures are everywhere.  To celebrate the school holidays, we're having 5 days of adventures - each day a little bit of something to keep little hands busy.  Today, we're knitting. The girls have been playing with these for the last few weeks.  After some experimenting, I would recommend french knitting for 7yrs plus or a very enthusiastic 5yr old.  While my 4...

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The Old Man and the Sea - Tapestry Remake

If you've met my Dad, you would swear these old fisherman paintings are all of him, from the sun reddened cheeks to the blue eyes*. When I saw this forlorn tapestry at the back of local bazaar,** I knew exactly where it needed to go. I asked Mum for some off-cuts from a recently upholstered chair.  She was little confused when I promised...

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Pinwheel Scone and Vintage Tools

Sometimes newer isn't better.  This week we made pinwheel scones using the vintage butter cutters.  Granddad was on his way over and we needed something for morning tea. These wood and wire beauties are made to "rub in" the butter.  Being the modern girl that I am, I  usually reach for the food processor for this job.  I'm considering a change.  Once you...

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Retro Pattern, Retro Dress

 Retro purple twill has met its match. The answer is 5 year old enthusiasm and 50 year old patterns. E has been excited about this dress since I bought a stash of Maudella patterns last year.  The pattern is Maudella 1406, circa 1960s.  The cover features  three little girls in flirty dresses with what could easily pass as high heels. The pattern came...

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Feedly? Blog Lovin? Still undecided

 Given the imminent demise of Google reader, I'm dabbling with alternatives.  So far Feedly and Blog lovin are showing up on my radar.  I'll let you know which way I go. Follow my blog with Bloglovin ...

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Crafty Book Review - The Gentle Art of Stitching

It's about time we had another crafty book review around here, don't you think? Our local library has a new copy of "The Gentle Art of Stitching" by Jane Brocket.  I tucked the book under my arm and took it home. I have long admired the Jane's writing and yarnstorm blog in its many incarnations.  It speaks of a slower pace of life,...

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We fish, we fish, we merrily swim

We fish, we fish, we merrily swim,  We care not for friend nor for foe.   Our fins are stout,  Our tails are out,  As through the seas we go.   Herman Mellville   Nestled next to last weeks china set, my girls spied a fish tank.  We have been admiring fish for a while now.  It turns out you need more than a...

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Happy Easter

I hope your Easter holiday is going well.  We have been having all sorts of adventures. From a  night at the best little inland campground, to Easter egg hunting and feasting on simnel cake. ...

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