
Merry Christmas

The preparations are laid, and traveling done.  It's time to just enjoy the moment. Wishing you a Merry Christmas from our little Seven-Stitches Family. ...

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Advent Calendars

This is what happens in our house, when the adult take their time putting up the advent calendar*.  Small children take matters into their own hands.  She's done a great job recreating our calendar don't you think? I was worried that I may have lost some of the pockets between the years.  But this little burst of creativity from miss H was all...

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Sprinkle Fudge

In honor of the last day of Daycare for the year, H and I made sprinkle fudge to give to the teachers. To make your own you will need: 395g can sweetened condensed milk 100g butter 200g  brown sugar 3 Tbsp golden syrup 180g white chocolate buttons 2 tsp vanilla essence Lots of sprinkles  - 100s & 1000s, chocolate buttons etc. 1 Combine...

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Bottling, Thrifting and Christmas

  This bread is the perfect collision of bottling, thrifting, and Christmas.   First the bottling - Our little quince tree gave us 3 quinces this year.  They became a preserved concoction of roasted quince meat (like fruit mince, only mostly quince).  It taste's a little like a very grown up version of strudel.  I can quite happily eat it straight from the jar....

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Carved Christmas Cards

I have been sketching, carving and stamping up a storm, gradually reducing this stamp until I was happy with it. Every Christmas I think, this is the year I'll start sending Christmas cards again. I used to be so dilligent, posting them out to my university friends as  I went home to my parents each summer, sending little notes and baubles to friends...

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Letters to Santa

The Christmas count down started early in our house. To be precise it started the morning after Halloween. I woke to find two little girls at the breakfast table, felt pens in had and a long list of 'How do you spell...?' The lists sat on our fridge until last week. We didn't want to bother Santa before December. H and I folded...

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Peg Doll Angels

Sometimes projects are just an angels breath from completion.  These little pegs had been sitting painted for a while, waiting for wings, skirts and faces.  I imagined skirts made from slices of lightly coloured vintage embroidery and paper doily wings.  Consulting my drawers of damaged, vintage embroidery, I found other ideas.  A hand embroidered table cloth, too long in the napisan was waiting...

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Under Glass - Thifted Sparkles

The strangest things rise to the surface when parents start clearing out spaces.  I spied a pair of these glass domes on a shelf in Dad's garage.  At first he though they might be old valve domes, but closer inspection and splashes of white paint suggest they were outdoor light bulb covers.  With $2 of thrifted decorations,  they look grand.  The kids are...

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