
Stash Busting - A New Years Resolution

It's only a few days until the New Year and I have been thinking about embarking on a year of stash reduction. It's a great way to make space for new acquisitions and an incentive to get creative about the use of what is already there.Feeling sure that there must be some rules for this sort of thing, I googled it. I found...

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The Blue Drawer or the Pink One?

While I am not overly keen on knowing the gender of an unborn child, I would like to know what fabric to use for the next quilt. I'd love to be tucking into the pinks and yellows, but maybe, the blues and greens would be more appropriate? Note: My Dearest is certain he wants to know, so it looks like we might have...

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Quick, While There is Still Time - Mustard and Cake Recipes

I thought I'd share my last minute flurry of Christmas Gifting and Baking. Today saw me at the kitchen bench making Christmas cake and another batch of mustard. I am pretty good at leaving things until the last minute and so treasure the things that I know I can get done quickly. If you are like me and put off making a Christmas...

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Playing Catch-Up

I signed up for a quilt block swap earlier this year. We were to be making a block a month and sending it on. The blocks varied from month to month and so did my ability to keep up. Fortunately, there were no blocks assigned for December and so yesterday saw me posting off my last 3 blocks for the year. To Samantha,...

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Inherited Family Lists

Every year my side of the family converges in Wellington for Christmas dinner. It's a big event and this year, bigger than usual. With 19 guests, my gift making has gone into overdrive or at least my panicking has. Friday and Saturday nights saw me cutting and gluing book marks based on this tutorial from How About Orange. I figure those that are...

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Early Morning Harvest

Yesterday, when the sun was shining, E and I were able to get in the first crop of rhubarb. The leaves were getting bigger and bigger, threatening to take over. After a bit of taste testing, Little e decided that rhubarb is not her favourite food.Today, the weather is not so good, we are inside enjoying fresh rhubarb cake. ...

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Christmas Lists

The build up to Christmas is a time of lists. There are the fantastical rolls that Santa holds on the front of cookie boxes and then there are the everyday lists of things to be done before Christmas. I'm getting good at making the lists, not so good at ticking them off.I have been making Christmas lists for a long time. As a...

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What's in the Box This Time?

By the look of this jaunty fellow, you should be able to work just what is in the box. Our Christmas tree goes up tonight. A friend mentioned that his kids find putting up the Christmas tree to be up there with Christmas day itself. I would have to agree. I found this treasure at a local jumble sale. I have wanted on...

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Book Tag

I have been tagged by the lovely Janelle of Heart Felt for the book tag. So here goes:Go to the closest book to you, not necessarily the book you have just read, or your favorite, but the closest. Turn to page 56 and copy out the 5th line, followed by the next 2 to 5 lines.“How did I think it would feel, when...

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