Mini Break

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Please excuse me while my unscheduled mini-break from blogging continues. I thought I should take some time to have adventures, rather than just writing about them. I’m getting pretty excited about a few things at the moment. The sewing machine is out, the stash is reducing, the baby is smiling, the two year old wants cuddles and I am reading lots of books even if they are the sort that has lots of pictures.

*the bowls were thrifted gift from a friend who was clearing out their house after the family had lived there for at least 4 generations. As their new house reaches completion, I am busy working on a thank-you/house warming present.

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  1. Somethimes life is just hectic. Take your break and be back when you are ready. Love your photo. Avcado is my favorit!!

  2. It's funny how bloggins works isn't it? I hope that you are having great adventures and look forward to hearing about them at some stage. I just LOVE those bowls - they certainly would grace any kitchen. xx


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