
The Saunio Cardigan - Sew My Style

The Saunio Cardigan was a success.  This pattern was the second in the Sew-My-Style challenge.  It was also my first attempt at using NAMED PATTERNS. My favorite part of this pattern would have to be an accidental detail - as I put together the shoulders,  I only had gold grosgrain ribbon in my sewing bag. Now there are little golden seams hidden on...

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Toaster Sweater Meets Bomber Jacket

This is my take on the Toaster Sweater by SewHouse7. There has been a lot of pattern hacking going on lately.  It is high time that I made some adjustments and made something for myself.  My sweater is now a bomber jacket that I can wear to work. The pattern is part of the sewmystyle 2017 challenge.  The fabric I've used is a...

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