Pincushions and Crafting Sacrilege

Monday, December 12, 2011

I find it really hard to cut into someone else's embroidery. While admiring the works that other people have made out of thrifted embroideries, my inner Nana gasps at small acts of crafting sacrilege.

Perhaps it was beyond help. Perhaps this is better that being holed up in drawer. I tell myself little consolations and move on, admiring the crafter's daring and bravery.

This tray cloth was truly beyond help. One set of three baskets was eaten away by a mysterious substance. In other places you could see the embroidery thread was all but gone where it had been ironed over and over. I tried to take a photo. It really didn't turn out. so you will have to believe me on this. I carefully cut around two of the intact baskets and some fragments of garlands to put this together, before raiding my button collection for the final touch.

Little did I think that four lots of 3 inches makes for a really big pincushion. In hindsight I could have made this smaller, but despite my initial daring, I can't bring my self to slice up these little baskets. One day, I might be brave enough but for now I will listen respectfully, to my inner Nana.

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  1. I so so love this! I know what you mean too, but now you'll see it all the time & admire it all the more. our grannies were thrifty woman, & I'm sure they would have a good chuckle at our creative ways for using up damaged linen! xxx
    P.S my verification word is 'pepot'

  2. I'm there, it makes me feel guilty too cutting those old treasures. I've started buying damaged linen to use now to help make it easier!


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