
All The Days Of The Week

There have been hints and suggestions and here it is finally, the days of the week quilt. It started so innocently with the bibs I found while opp shopping/thrifting and ended up as this. The top went together pretty quickly once I decided on which fabrics to use. It was the first venture into in my little pile of bandana type prints. I...

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Time to Stop

I noticed the fridge light first. It wasn't working. Our power was out for some hours this morning. In a sense, it was a relief. My Nana-in-Law is visiting this afternoon and I really needed to get ready. The stoppage was planned. We even had a letter about it. I had just forgottten, until the fridge light, that is. My first thought was...

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Tutorial - Tool Tape Details on Stretch Fabric

I've had enough of snap fasteners pulling through the fabric when I use them. It seems to happen a lot on children's clothing. This got me thinking and I tried to solve the problem when making some winter tops for little e. The following tutorial below creates a strong snap fastener details that is useful for children's clothes. The original pattern (Simplicity 4054)...

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Thrifty Goodness – Baby Bundt Improvisation

I had some opp shopping serendipity recently. A set of sunflower moulds that I have already found some use for. I had been eyeing up the baby bundt cakes in Nigella's How to be a Domestic Goddess. Who really has a set of Baby Bundt Moulds? Surely anything that looks that good, can't really taste so hot? Maybe the icing is hiding something....

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Fishing From the Trees - link to mobile tutorial

Today we introduced little e to the wonder of mobiles. I saw this fantastic Design Sponge tutorial on Whip Up and just had to try it. There was some extra paper so of course the fish needed bubbles. It was so very quick and as you can see she loves it. After putting it up in her room she just stared for a...

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Four patches finished

The Jacob's Ladder is finished. We will be showing them at guild in June so you will just have to wait to see the rest of them.I am quite pleased with the way this has turned out. I tried to restrict myself to the range of royal colours – rich blues, reds and greens, and not buy any additional fabric for the quilt....

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Almost There

I picked up the four patches quilt a fortnight ago. The binding is done it's just the label to go. Word has it, not all of the quilts are finished so there won't be a grand unveiling this week. However, stand by for a mini unveiling, when I get the label done. I picked up the four patches quilt a fortnight ago. The...

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