
Little Bird

This little guy has been mooching around our house, making himself at home.  I picked him up at a local garage sale.  I love the colours and the way he rolls*.  He makes a hollow jangly noise as he wobble and tries to right himself.  Suddenly, I want to paint the world orange, blue and white to match his optimistic beak and outfit....

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Last Minute Birthday Dress

Last minute birthday dresses are getting to be a habit.  3 days out from Little E's  birthday, I was cutting out a new dress.  What is about impending celebrations that makes me embark on maniac crafting missions?  Is this just me? The birthday passed without a hitch or a dress.  I put the final touches on it last night - hand sewing the...

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Crafty Book Review - Scrap Republic

Scrap Republic is a book that has me excited about playing with colours* and rediscovering my fabric stash.  I spotted in on a friend's book shelf and have to admit that I have been looking after it for far too long. In a market where books play one-up-manship, boasting huge number of projects, this book quietly has 8, and focuses instead on the...

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The Red Tree

This sea of red greeted me through the Monday morning fog.  One kid dropped off to school, one hanging out with Mum, and one Mum home from travels.  It was a nice landing back into the minutiae of home-life and the onset of Winter. When I saw the lady with leaf blower, I rushed home for the camera to capture it all.  Looking...

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