
Look, In The Sky

It's a big day today. It's my turn to host the antenatal group afternoon tea. I get a bit to caught up in getting ready for these things, so I was trying to get on top of the housework earlier that usual. I was even hanging out washing at 8:30 – very early for me. While out at the clothes line, there was...

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Jobbly Welly

It was quite a domestic Easter. I had big garden plans – putting in bulbs for spring and planting a native grasses area. It turns out that it is still too warm to plant bulbs so they are still wintering in the bottom of the fridge. However, it is just right for doing this: Some of the grapes I was given became jelly....

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It is finish, it is finish

I love reading books about quilting history and catalogs of historical quilts. In a sense these make me appreciate the importance of labels. There was one quilt that sticks in my mind. I cannot find the book any where but the label started with “It is finish, it is finish” and continued with a history of how long the quilt took and who...

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Big Thank You to Big E

I have a much younger sister who gets to do lots of cool stuff. Being 15, she texts a lot so it was only a matter of days after my daughter's arrival that we realised that it was getting a bit confusing with two E's, hence the Big E (sister) and little e (daughter). In case you are wondering, they do have different...

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Day 7 - Baby Gown

I started by making these merino gowns for my baby before she arrived. After some in the field testing I can report the that they fit from a new born weight of about 3.8 kg (8 lb 5) to 5.5 kg (12 lb). I have since made a number for expectant friends. The fabric can be machine washed, but be careful with the...

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Lavender Chicks

I was given one of these when little e was born. It was made of vintage vyella and very cute. It even prompted me to start hoarding vyella to make my own at some point ( any excuse to collect fabric, really). Lavender has been known to have soothing properties. These cotton ones smell lovely and possibly, should be kept out of a...

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Stocking the Baby Box - Overalls

It seams that most of my toddler photos star me and various cousins in hand knits and mothercare overalls. It was the height of gender neutrality and those pants lasted for ages with hems being rolled down and buttons moved as we got taller. It comes as no surprise that I was keen to make some overalls for little e. While not being...

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Sunhat That Stays On

I saw this pattern in Enid Gilchrist's Baby Book” and was intrigued. It appeared to be a sun hat that would adjust as she grows and with ties to stay on. All up it is a simple old fashioned bonnet and unlike the newer hats little e has, it stays on. I was keen to attach a copy of the pattern but have...

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Sun Dresses

These dresses aren't strictly part of stocking the baby box. Every girl needs a Christmas party dress and these were made for little e's big day. They come as a result of buying the fabric before the pattern. These prints caught my eye and I figured that half a metre of each should be enough to make a dress using both prints. I...

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Stocking the Baby Box - Burp Cloths

Burp Cloths I have to admit that I didn't use burp cloths for little e. Not because she didn't need one, but more because I was never that organised. For me it was more a matter of reaching into the baby bag and pulling out the handiest absorbent thing just after she threw up. I am setting out to remedy this for my...

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Stocking the Baby Box - Bibs

I read in the news a few weeks ago the last year saw a record number of babies being born in New Zealand. It feels like this year is shaping up to be much the same. At the moment I can think of 6 couples that are expecting this year, so it is time to stock up the baby gift box. I'm starting...

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