Tomato Surplus Plus

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Our tomato plants have been overloading us with ripe tomatoes for almost a month now. I was pretty excited about making my own pasta sauce. While I know that bought stuff is considerably cheaper, I'm looking forward to opening a jar of this and just pouring bottled summer over pasta.

It took a while to find a recipe that didn't require the water bath method. This recipe comes from Crafty Cherry and you can find it in the comments here.

As you can see I still have tomatoes to spare. I've already lined up the ingredients for green tomato chutney, to handle the ones that don't ripen before the plants give out. If you have any favourite tomato recipes, please point me in the right direction.

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  1. I had such a surplus two years ago (last year was weird for some reason), I ran out of recipes and time, so many last tomatoes I just choped up and poured into ziplock bag to freeze. I used them as a sauce for pasta and they were just fine. Freezing broke them down.
    I need to start planning my garden, thanks for a nice reminder :)

  2. I had 10kg of cheap tomatoes to deal with a few weeks ago. I made a lot of the Country Style Tomato Sauce from Annabel Langbein's best of cookbook. It's great as pasta sauce, on pizzas or even in mexican chilli bean sauce. I also blanched some tomatoes, chopped them up and froze them to use instead of tinned chopped tomatoes in curries etc.
    You could probably do semi-dried toms by slicing them and then putting them in a low oven until they dry out a bit...
    Thanks for the link to the recipe.

  3. Looks super yummy! We don't have a huge surplas but more than we can eat, so I plan to do something about it today! Enjoying them in winter will be the best!

  4. Im glad you had success. I made another 7 jars today and I paid a dollar per kilo so what with the other ingrediants already in the larder it only cost me 5.oo upright. I just put mine in jam jars with lids that will pop each time they seal. (I always seem to have one that never seals tho)... Ive got a decent patch of ROmas out the front and I plan (Notice: plan...) to dry them and put them into small jars with olive oil. I also make tomato sauce but have a glut from last year and GHIU makes relish (just the edmonds book one but its YUM)
    Luv Cherry


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