Cherry Blossoms and Getting Away
Saturday, October 09, 2010
The picnic set is dusted off and the cherry blossoms are out. It was a low key affair this year. The camera memory was full, so after snapping the cup of tea we ran around, chased balls, followed chickens and carefully looked for bumble bees. It made for a nice afternoon, just being there rather than frantically trying to record the moment.
The picnic set is Gaydon Melamine. It goes nearly everywhere with us. I think it might even be from a caravan set rather than a picnic set because I have yet to work out why you would need egg cups and butter dishes on a picnic. While this is not strictly a morning cup, I'm joining in on the Morning Cup over on flickr.
We're also off on bit of a break. The camera is coming, but the computer is not. The picnic set is about to earn it's keep.
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