Tea Towel Debates

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

I've been lucky enough to win a give away over at Dear Colleen. Colleen is a graphic design talent with a twisty sense of humour. If you get a chance, check our her blog. She has been delving into the differences and meeting points between craft and design. While I'm still not sure what side of the fence, or even if there needs to be two sides, I'm reading along with great interest.

This little beauty is going into the "too good to use, or maybe just glasses", pile in the linen drawer. My husband is objecting to the "too good .." tea towels taking up space in the drawer. I maintain that when the Queen comes to tea, she would be delighted to use the fresh clean tea towel* with the corgis when she washes up with me. I couldn't let her down, you know.

*certainly not the manky ones that have accidentally been used to dry cast iron pots. They have their own pile and yes, I do have a corgi tea towel.

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  1. Men just don't understand. My husband is in the process of packing up all of my teacups and teapots for a cross-country move....and just doesn't get it.

  2. Hey, nice score. Great to get something for nothing. I admire the humour of the tea towel but cannot agree with its sentiment - there is nothing about any of those men that appeals, they are all hollywood plastic.

  3. Point taken. Perhaps Hollywood plastic would be good for washing my dished after all.


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