Colour Crush

Friday, January 28, 2011

I often become infatuated with colours, in a school girl crush way. This crush started simply enough with my daughter's drawing box.

The orange and purple just seemed to be resonating. The combination had struck a chord with me and suddenly I was seeing it every where. If I wasn't seeing it, I was making it happen. It was months into this infatuation that I realised that my shoes had been orange and purple all along.

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  1. I thought I was the only one!!! As a little child - in the 70's of course - when I was asked what my favourite colour was I would say "orange and purple". Actually I think I developed my love for these colours at such a young age that it sounded more like "ong and purpin".

    I can't help but put these colours together. I don't even try, it just happens.

  2. In the May holidays of Standard 3 I went mad over my orange and purple felt tips, ignored the others until I ran out of ink ... devastated. Moved on to red and brown. But I still love orange and purple. Stillllllll

  3. I hear you when you say you see colours resonating then you have to search out all other combinations of those colours and make them present in your everyday life!

    I've been completely smitten by by the artichoke-like combo of green and purple over at "the scent of water" - have a look!


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