
In the Middle of the Muddle - Some Sanity

Sunday, November 29, 2009

The Middle of the Muddle - Rainbow Chard, Seeded Coriander and Garlic

In the middle of the muddle the smallest things become treasures. My crafting space is a mess and my garden is even more so. However, I never thought I would get so much pleasure out of some failed cabbages and a few stolen hours.

Neglected, But Jewel Like Greens

The garden has become an collection of when the sun shines..when the baby is asleep..when I have time. It is nearing summer and I have only the midwinter vegetables planted. The strawberry patch is a neglected space waiting for me to replace the hose that broke last summer. The cabbages were bitter after a long winter, so I let them go to seed and the smallest cabbage turned out to not be a cabbage after all.

The Cabbage That Wasn't

The shape of the leaves gave it away and so I just left it there in the hopes that is wasn’t a cabbage. It is slowly being joined by some other stowaways from the same punnet of seedlings. I think I will leave them there.

For someone who claims to be a quilter, there doesn’t appear to be much of that going on either. The last quilt I finished was months ago. I’m certainly not one of those people who can churn out a new project every week, pour over the newest fabrics while buying up large or even stop still for long enough to write about it. I used to dream of having days on end to myself to simply sew, but now I’m happy for just two hours. They have become very precious to me.

Every Tuesday night I sneak out of the house and join the local quilting classes. With my machine and bag in the car I am off. Two hours of not worrying about who is a sleep and who isn’t. Two hours of just me, my machine and some great friends. With such small bites, it has taken me a while to get even one top finished, but would you believe that there are two? I think I will have to call these my Tuesday Sanity quilts.

The baby is awake again. I must dash back to the muddle, and the little treasure in my life, who is getting bigger all the time. I will save the quilts for another time but for now here is a peek.

Just a Little Bit..

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  1. It's amazing what pops up in the garden sometimes. I remember one years all these little orange poppies popping up in the neglected vege garden ~ it was so pretty ~ they must of floated over the fence from a neighbor.

  2. Hey, your muddle in the vege patch is colour co-ordinated. Well it's a great accident of nature, enjoy it and just tell others you planned it that way. At lest it looks pretty, my muddle is just boring weeds with lots of seeds that enjoy spreading themselves.

  3. aah such is life with a very young child ... in my son's first year I think I sewed about 2 things, I was so tired with getting up so much in the night. And quilting is just so much more time consuming than garment sewing - so it's amazing you get ANYTHING done! But of course, spending time on yourself is a great investment in self care, that's what I say.

  4. Muddle or no your garden looks beautiful! The quilt is too. I did my first quilting course last term and also relished the 2 hours of me time - we're hopefully going to meet up fortnightly in the New Year so that'll be great. Even thought I'm doing lots of sewing at the moment the quilting was for me - quite different. x


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