
There's Still Time for Cordial

At this time very year I have to start letting a few things go. I am letting go of the dream of making elderflower cordial. The fact that the flowers are now turning into berries helps a little on this. However there is still time for cordial. This was my first attempt at making rhubarb cordial. the recipe was taken from this month's...

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Little Stitches, Big Changes

This week I put the finishing touches on this embroidery. While it may appear to be a small thing, its completion marks the end of something bigger. This is the last piece that I will stitch on the train to work.I am trading the commute that sees me leaving home at 6am only to return at 6pm, travelling almost 2hrs door to door,...

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See It, Dream It, Make It

I indulged in some colour co-ordinated decorations for the kitchen. Purely frivolous, I know. However, I didn't realise quite how taken Little E would be with them. For her it wasn't the colours, instead the mere thought that she could make one too.She took up her crayons and started drawing. Each branch and decoration was narrated with delight. Once the picture was finished,...

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Pincushions and Crafting Sacrilege

I find it really hard to cut into someone else's embroidery. While admiring the works that other people have made out of thrifted embroideries, my inner Nana gasps at small acts of crafting sacrilege.Perhaps it was beyond help. Perhaps this is better that being holed up in drawer. I tell myself little consolations and move on, admiring the crafter's daring and bravery.This tray...

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Chicken Scratched Dress and a Book Review

I have always wonted to give chicken scratch embroidery a go. Occasionally, I find a table cloth or apron in the opshop with the distinctive stitched gingham.After finding this darling dress, I felt it needed a little something to look less like a school uniform. The chicken scratch pattern is from Alicia Paulson's* "Embroidery Companion" and was originally meant for shelf edging. While...

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Christmas Cards For 4 Year Olds

As part of the Small Hands Christmas Swap, we needed to find some simple cards that everyone in the family could make. We decided on these Pipe Cleaner Christmas Tree Cards. I know it's a bit of a mouthful to say, but so much fun to make.To make your own you will need:Card stock (we used red, obviously)Ice block sticksPVA GluePipe cleanersBeadsPliers (for...

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We have been indulging in a little unpacking lately. The tree is up and lights on and the kids buzzing. ...

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Always Rhubarb and Cake

We have spent much of this spring rehabilitating our vegetable garden. We documented each step from digging, collecting manure and through to labelling each row as it was planted. The rhubarb had been flush with growth for the last few weeks. Then to my horror, as I tried to find the photos, I found the memory card had corrupted. That will teach me...

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Modern Christmas Runner into the Post

After planning, cutting and stitching, my work for the Modern Christmas Table Runner Swap is done and in the post. After leaving it hanging on the wall for a few days, I decided that I really needed to add some french knots above the "e" before posting. I have even managed to get to grips with machine quilting using metallic thread.For now, I...

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Lucy the Interloper

We tagged alongto the Teddy Bear's Picnic, clutching Lucy and Giraffe. Despite being bearless we won a spot prize and had a wonderful time. It was so nice to see so many kids about from all over the Wairarapa, with parents and grandparents making the time to have a great day. ...

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The Magic of Four

We are discovering the 4 is a pretty awesome age. You learn to pepper your conversations with slang from the playground.For real ! I'm not lying. Trust me.How the last two got to be popular phrases I am not sure, Maybe we have a used car salesman in the making. When I asked E what she thought "Trust me" meant, she told me...

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Feeling Summery

School fairs, scarecrows, facepainting and iceblocks. I think summer might be on it's way. ...

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Garden Rescue

We have been wrestling our vegetable garden into shape over the last few weeks and rescuing it from the clutches of weeds and errant tree roots. Little did I realise I would need rescuing myself.Fortunately, I won a bundle of goodies from Ange at Mushroom Lane . The Hypercal came in handy when I found some nettles and again when the mosquitoes found...

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Wishes for Dishes

I have often wished for something magical that did your dishes while you were not looking. I think I may have found one. As you can see, Miss H had some time to spare while waiting to go trick of treating.It has been a full on week in the Seven Stitches household and I feel like I am only just coming up for...

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The Hot Air Balloon Necklace

Sometimes wonderful things just happen. No real planning, just the happen-stance of ideas, material and mid afternoon sleeps.This morning Little E was cutting out shapes, and handed me paper diamonds for a necklace. As i made my paper necklace, we talked about making a necklace with flowers, and she decided she needed a balloon and a sun. We started thinking about other things...

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Small Hands - Christmas Crafts for Kids

Sign ups are still open for the Small Hands Christmas Swap. There is a delightful list of Helping Hands gathering below the button* to the left too. These Helping Hands have signed up on behalf of some very eager Small Hands. Drop me a line of you would like to join them.I've been hunting for some craft ideas for your small hands. The...

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The Wedding Album, Finally

This week has been a staycation. I’ve left the train behind for a week, and spent some well deserved time on my own. The oven has never been cleaner or the lamp shades brighter. I have been hunting through the garage for some elusive fabric, only to come up with this, our empty wedding album. With the random acts of cleaning out of...

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Kids Clothing Week - Pockets

Yesterday, I cut pockets. Today, I sewed.If they weren't so fiddly, you would find pockets on all my kids clothes. Perhaps on my clothes too. I am loving extra stark top stitching at the moment. There was a lot of basting, pressing and changing threads. If I were to sew these again, I'd give the curved seam away. I found it tricky to...

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Kids Clothing Week - The Jiffy Dress

In the interests of democracy, I have made a dress for Little E too. In the hope that she will wear it, I have let her pick the fabric. I was initially hesitant about her choice, but have to admit, the girl has taste. I love the way the darker lining provides an accent to the main fabric.The pattern is Simplicity 8815 -...

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Kids Clothing Week - The Pinafore

I have rediscovered my love of summer skirts and in making a muslin for myself, had just enough left over to make this dress for Miss H. My skirt is cut out and waiting. It may be waiting some time. This little dress needed some attention first.The red binding is some American Jane fabric, that just whispered - "put me with denim". I...

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Sunshine, Shadows and Chalk

For you own private sundial-Take one sunny afternoon, some chalk, a driveway, willing children and some time. Mark a spot for the feet. Trace around the shadow, wait and repeat.Now that is has rained, it's time to start again.I had a vague recollection of walking to the neighbours with roller skates but really had no idea how much I would love a smooth...

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Cherry Picnic 2011

After checking regularly and some plain old fashioned waiting, it was time.Today was our annual cherry picnic, complete with catching, throwing and just plain fun. ...

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