
To the Lighthouse - Palliser Style

Thursday, November 13, 2014

 3 Little girls, one light house, 258 steps and the adventure begins.

The Cape Palliser Lighthouse is a place that has always been special to me.  It is at the cusp of oceans and situated so far south that you don't realise that you have slowly turned around to find yourself facing north again.

Between this grand dame, and the beloved book "The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch" I was convinced all light houses were red and white stripey just like my one. 

As a child we would visit the lighthouse keepers, Norm and June.  I recall small biscuits and afternoon tea at the end of the road.  There is even a half memory of being allowed inside, the spiraling stairs and tiny windows.  It seams so magical, I sometimes wonder if it ever happened.

As I grew older, it became automated and the lighthouse keepers left.  My brother even lived in the tiny little lighthouse keepers house for one very cold winter.

While the door to the light house is now firmly closed, the steps are there for all to climb.

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